Time heals. Don’t fear change. You got this!


I was enchanted when I first read the entire Harry Potter series. No novel that I read after could compare to the perfect world painted by J.K Rowling. That led to two years of reading the same seven books again and again. However, midway through The Fault in Our Stars, I was so captivated by the story that I ended up finishing it in one night. I remember being scared then, because I had spent so much time obsessing over Harry Potter, telling people that it was my favorite book, imagining myself as a 50 year old person, who still believed in Hogwarts. The idea that something I had felt so deeply for would become a mere event of the past haunted me. Like all the other novels I had read, Paper Towns was nothing more than a “good read”, until the end where John Green’s analogy of us humans being vessels waiting to be cracked, made my eyes tear up. I understood then, that every novel was unique and special. Following that I started reading with a new passion, books of various genres. I was no longer afraid of the change that every story brought. I learned to appreciate the differences between all characters as I tried to understand them. The hope that the unique story each unknown character held would be special. Change is feared due to the consequential uncertainty; the fear that what comes along might not be as perfect as what has been left behind. If our surroundings suddenly transform, none of us will be sure of the first step to take. This feeling is a replica of what I felt while beginning a novel, the characters were strangers and every time I read their names failed to give me the warmth that I was accustomed to. However adaption is our specie’s forte, because while no world is perfect every world is beautiful. Just as every novel’s beginning might not be the most captivating one, these novels, when you are mid-way through can cast a spell on you. Every novel is meant to end for a new, potentially better one to begin. Change would not be feared as much as it originally was if we learn to appreciate the uniqueness of every new story within our life and value the people inside them. Instead of being feared, change should be welcomed, as it empowers humans enough to prevent themselves from being stuck in one story of the past forever.


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