
This is basically an illness with no cure. And a gaping hole within our education system. Everyone has favourites. And people with strong personalities who aren’t really good at being politically correct are targets to favouritism.


We do a lot to curb it. We try to make systems transparent and we try to have most of our examination systems in written form so that there is some form of accountability. But then again favoritism can be pretty detrimental to a child’s growth especially at a younger age.

While adult students can highlight favoritism for what it is and probably know the cause, students at younger ages always end up questioning if there is something wrong with them. They are made to spend endless hours thinking about why and how a “Betty” or “Anna” is better than them.

The confidence of a kid, which is very essential to a child’s growth, waivers. So all we can really do to cure this, for the betterment of our future generations it to cleanse ourselves of favoritism. We will naturally like some people better than others. But we need to be as fair and objective as possible if a time calls for it. This will help us create a trend of justice.

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