What Really Matters

The point is, eventually, there are things a lot more important than fame and writing out stuff that can sell. And there is definitely stuff more important than being on top of a class, or getting first position in a race.

There are people who endlessly want to prove their worth to others. Their own word is not enough for them. They want to repeat in front of a large group how they scored an A. And this is not a one time ecstatic shout of joy. This is something they feel the need to do again and again. In front of different groups of people in all their social gatherings.


Before you show off, think for a moment why you felt the need to do that. Was your grade in Physics not good enough for you? Will the world somehow sanction your existence if they know of a grade you got a year ago?

Being with friends or people who make you happy, creates in you the instinct to tell them of a thing you achieved. And that is perfectly okay, and very joyful. But sharing a victory with friends is worlds apart from rubbing it into someone’s face again and again.

Because regardless of what you achieve, the ultimate test is always the same; can you pass at being human? Can you feel the kind of passion that drives you insane? Be in a kind of relationship that you want to hide in your pocket away from the ugly world? The midnight walks in a park that no one will know about? Something that is yours for you and not because you want to impress the world?

If you think you’re really worth it, then believe it. And don’t be so desperate for approval and appreciation from everyone else. The approval and love of the hand full of people who matter should be enough for you. Prioritize.

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